How To Care For Your Mastectomy Swimwear

Author - Jane Eyre Posted: 15.08.2022

We all know that gutting feeling of ruining your favourite piece of clothing by washing it incorrectly. Whether it’s shrunk, expanded or just fallen apart, it’s something we want to avoid at all costs! This is especially true when it comes to Mastectomy swimsuits or bras, as it can take a lot of trial and error to find the one that’s perfect for you.

From investing in a high-quality swimsuit to methods of washing, we’ve rounded up some of our top tips to ensure yours lasts for years to come!


Follow Washing Instructions 

Every item of clothing comes with a label that gives you guidance on the best way to wash it. Following the instructions provided can help to ensure that you’re washing your mastectomy swimsuit in the way that was intended and in line with the specific materials that it’s made from. As most swimsuits are made from a polyester/elastane blend which can be relatively delicate, it’s likely that the label will suggest a gentle method of washing.


women's swimwear

Always Rinse Your Mastectomy Swimsuit 

Whether you’ve been in the sea, in the pool or just outside in the sun, it’s crucial that you always rinse your mastectomy swimsuit. Salt, chlorine and sweat can slowly break down the fibres in the material which shortens the life span of your swimsuit. Aside from this, it’s important to be as hygienic as possible and at least rinse your swimsuit after every use. 


Use A Gentle Detergent

When washing your mastectomy swimsuit, it’s important to always use a gentle detergent with clean ingredients. Heavy chemicals can break down the fibres in the material, which in time can shorten the lifespan of your swimsuit. This is why it’s super important to always wash your swimsuit after you’ve been to a spa or swimming pool and have been exposed to chlorine. Add your gentle detergent to a bowl of lukewarm water and gently hand wash for the best results.


womens swimwear

Always Air Dry Your Swimsuit

The materials that make up a typical mastectomy swimsuit aren’t designed to be dried quickly like in a tumble dryer. Once washed, your swimsuit will dry quickly when hung up to air dry in a relatively warm environment. It’s also important to ensure it’s completely dry before wearing it again to avoid stretching the material. 


Invest In A Good Quality Swimsuit 

Although some high-quality swimsuits can be more expensive, ones that are produced with better materials from more reputable brands tend to last a lot longer. Over time, this will help you to save money as you won’t have to keep regularly buying swimsuits when they start to deteriorate. A good quality mastectomy swimsuit can last for years if cared for properly! 


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